
女神节 | 奥斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼哈佛大学毕业演讲:接受自己的瑕疵,才能与众不同!



奥斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼应邀出席母校哈佛大学2015年毕业典礼动员会,并发表了20分钟的演讲,娜塔莉以“Make Your Inexperience An Asset”作为当天演讲主题。



Thank you so much for inviting me.The senior class commitee, it’s genuinely one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been asked to do. I have to adimit primarily because i can’t deny it,as it was leaked in the wikileaks release of the sony hack that when I was invited,I replied and I directly quote my own email. “Wow, this is so nice, i’m gonna need some funny ghost writers. Any ideas?” This initial response, now blessedly public, was from the knowledge that at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrel as class day speaker. and that many of us were hung-over, or even freshly high,mainly wanted to laugh.


我这个被公布的受邀第一反应来自于我大学时代的经历,因为在我的毕业日上,哈佛请来的是威尔法·瑞尔作为演讲嘉宾。当时许多同学宿醉未醒,或者嗨劲儿还没过去, 我们坐在观众席,主要就是想找笑料。


So I have to adimit that today, even 12 years after graduation, I’m still insecure about my own worthiness. I have to remind myself today, you are here for a reason. Today i feel much like I did when I came to Harvard Yard as a freshman in 1999, I felt there had been some mistake,that i wasn’t smart enough to be in this company,and that everytime I opened my mouth, I would have to prove that I wasn’t just a dumb actress. So I start with an apology, this won’t be very funny. I’m not a commedian, and I didn’t get a ghost writer. But I am here to tell you today, Havard is giving you all diplomas tomorrow,you are here for a reason. 
Sometimes, your inseurities and your inexperience may lead you too ,to embrace other people's expectations, standards or values.But you can harness that inexperence to carve your own path, one that is free of the burden that how things is supposed to be; a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons.






You have a prize now, or at least you will tomorrow.The prize is a Harvard degree in your hand. But what is your reason behind it? My harvard degree reprensents for me the curiosity and invention that were encouraged here, the friendship I’ve sustained, the way professor Graham told me not to describe the way light hit a flower but rather the shadow the flower cast. The way professor Scarry talked about theatre is the transformative religious force. Now granted these things don’t necessarily answer the common questions I’m asked “what designer you wearing?”,“what’s your fitness regime?”and “ your make-up tips?” But I have never since been embarrassed to myself as what I might previously have thought was a stupid question.







By the time I got to making BlackSwan, the experience was entirely my own. I felt immune to the worst things that anyone could say or write about me and to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not.It was instructive for me to see for ballet dancers, once your technique gets to a certain level,the only thing that seperates you from others, is your quirks or even flaws.

One balleriana was famous for how she turned slightly off balanced. You can never be the best techiniquely. Someone will always have a higher jump, or a more beautiful line. The only thing you can be the best at is developing your ownself. Authoring your own experience was very much what Black Swan itself was about.





Darren Aronofsky the director who changed my last line in the movie to “it was perfect”, Becuause my character Nina is only artistically successful when she finds perfection and pleasure for herself not when she was trying to be perfect in the eyes of others. So when blackswan was successful financially and I began receiving accolades I felt honored and grateful to have connected with people. But the true core of my meanning I had already established. And I needed it to be independent of people’s reactions to me. People told me that Black Swan was an artistic risk. A scary challenge to try to portray a professional ballet dancer. But I didn’t feel like courage or daring that drove me do it. I was so oblivious to my own limits that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do .

And so the very inexperience that in college had made me insecure and made me want to play by others rules now with making me actually take risks I didn’t even realize were risks when Darren asked me if I could do ballet I told him that I was basically a ballerina which by the way I wholeheartedly believe when it quickly became clear preparing for that I with me 15 years away from me.  

导演Darren Aronofsky将影片的最后一句话改为了“它很完美”,因为剧中的妮娜在艺术上最终获得了成功,因为她找到了属于自己的完美和快乐,而不是他人眼中的完美。当《黑天鹅》在票房上取得成功时,我也得到了一些赞扬。让我引以为傲的是,我真正体会到了与人们的心灵相通的感受。我建立了自身的核心价值,并且可以不在意人们对我的评价和做出的行为。人们告诉我说,黑天鹅是艺术上的冒险,是一次有点吓人的挑战,去白描一个职业芭蕾舞演员。但是我当时并没有害怕的感觉。我对于自己的局限一无所知,去做了那些我完全没有准备的事情。

就是这种“毫无经验”让我在大学里缺乏安全感,也让我甘于在他人的游戏规则下努力拼搏,让我在遇到风险时全然没有意识。当《黑天鹅》导演Darren 问我是否能跳芭蕾的时候,我毫不犹豫地回答说“我基本上就是个芭蕾舞演员,我一直深信如此,直到拍摄我才意识到,我离芭蕾的距离大概有15年”

Balleriana it made me work a million times harder and of course the magic of cinema and body double helped the final effect. But the point if I had known my own limitations I never would have taken the risk and the risk i do wanna make greatest artistic and personal experience. And I not only felt completely free, I also met my husband.You can never be the best. The only thing you can be the best at is developing your own self. Make use of the fact that you don't doubt yourself too much right now. As we get older we get more realistic, and that realism does us no favors. Your inexperience is an asset, and will allow you to think in orginal and unconventional ways. If your reason is your own, you path even if it’s a strange and clumsy path will be wholy yours.



I wish for you that your friends will be with you through it all as my friends from Harvard have been together since we graduated. My friends from school are still very close, We have nursed each other through headaches and danced at each others’ weddings, we’ve held each other at funnerals and rocked each other’s new babies. We worked together on projects, helped each other get jobs and thrown parties for when we’ve quit bad ones.And now our children are creating a second generation of friendship as we look at them toddling together. Haggard and disheveled working parents that we are.Grab the good people around you and don’t let them go. The biggest asset this school offers you is a group of peers that will both be your family and your school for life.


I remember always being pissed at the spring here in Cambridge. Tricking us into remevbering a sunny yard full of laughing frisbee throwers after 8months of dark freezing library dwelling. It was like the school has managed to turn on the good weather as the last memory we should keep in mind that would make us want to come back.But as I get farther away from my years here, I know that the power of this school is much deeper than weather control. It changed the very question that I was asking, to quot one of my favorite thinkers Abraham Joshua Heschel: To be or not to be is not the question, the vital question is how to be and how not to be. Thank you. I cant wait to see how you do all the beautiful things you will do.











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